Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Anton Made the best story Ever


Diary of a Wimpy Kid,

It was a tuesday afternoon and Greg was walking home alone because Rowley had to stay after for math class. As Greg was walking home he decided to go the long way home because he was in trouble about what happened the night before. What had happened the night before is that it was dinner time and his little brother manny was crying because he wanted some some apple juice. So Greg threw some at him and got him all wet and sticky. Well as Greg was walking home he turned the corner and there was someone standing there and not going anywhere. So Greg went up to him and asked “ Why are you just standing there?” but he didn’t reply. So then Greg started to get scared so he started walking away and as he was the guy replied “ I’m standing here for a reason but i don’t know why though but i know something good will come out of it”. So then Greg turned around and walked up to him again and said “ What’s your name?” he replied “ Frankenstein”.
It was a tuesday Afternoon and Frankenstein was in his lab working on his project. But he didn’t know why he was building it all he was basically doing was putting random parts together. But he had a vision that if he builds something magnificent today something good would happen to him. So he went straight to his lab and got right to work. He was trying so hard but he ran out of parts so he had to go out and buy some so he grabbed his coat and left. The closest store was twenty minutes away walking. But he had to walk because he didn't have his license so he couldn’t buy a car. As he was walking he got another vision about the next person he meets will help him on his project. So he just suddenly stopped walking and just stood there on the curb for hours thinking and watching the cars go by. So a couple of hours went by and he stood there just staring then when 2:30 came around school got let out. Then as he was standing there a boy came up and asked what he was doing but he didn’t answer until he started walking away. So he replied then the boy asked what his name is and he said “ Frankenstein” so then he said “ What’s your name kid” and he said “ Greg” “ Greg Heffley”.
So then they were standing there not saying anything then Frankenstein said “ kid do you want to help me with a project?” so he said “ sure what it is”. Then he said “ i don’t know yet but something good would happen when we're done” so Greg said “ where are we working on this project because I have to be home soon” and he said “ my house in the lab”. Then Greg and Frankenstein went to Gregs house really quickly and they left right away. So they went to Frankenstein’s house and went straight to the lab and right to work. But they had no clue what to make so they put random things together. But then Frankenstein said “ I got it” then he put things together and pulled levers. Then an hour later he was finished Greg was really confused he didn’t know what he was doing. Then he knew what it was it looked like a monster it was scary and horrifying and he called it Frankenstein. So they sat there for an hour thinking of how to bring it to life without a brain. So Frankenstein hooked it up to electricity then said “ Clear” and he sent 4500 bolts of electricity through his body. Then a Few minutes later it was 6:30 p.m and Greg said “ i’m sorry but i have to go home and eat dinner” then Frankenstein said “ that’s okay bye”. Then it finally happened he came to life with a lot of force and anger. He got up and ripped all the cords out and stormed out with rampage. So Frankenstein followed him it turns out his monster went to the science fair. And it was time for judging and his monster was on stage and he won first prize but they were looking for the scientist who created him. So Frankenstein came forward and said “ that’s my creation i call him Frankenstein” so he won first place. So his vision came true after all it took him all day but it came true and he was very happy.

The End.!?

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